Starting Wednesday 2 October

Starting Wednesday 2 October

Alpha is launching in Ryde at All Saints this Autumn. To be the first to get an invite sign up below.

Alpha Course

Life is full of endless possibilities. Whether it’s learning a new skill, finding a new interest, or simply opening up to a different perspective on life. Trying something new can be the start of something good. Why not give Alpha a go? We’d love to welcome you.

Alpha jumps into various topics of Christianity and what faith looks like in different people’s lives.

The best conversations are open, everyone’s thoughts are welcome, no matter your background or beliefs. We all bring different thoughts to the table, and at Alpha we want to create a space that’s open for everyone to find what faith means for them.

All on your terms. Alpha is a safe space, which means that you can decide whether to stay, go, share or just listen. We’d love to see you.

Alpha is running at Ryde All Saints for 11 weeks every Wednesday from the 2nd of October. It’s not too late to sign up and join us!

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a chance to ask questions and explore the Christian faith in a fun, no-pressure environment. Everyone is welcome regardless of their background or beliefs. All views are welcome as long as they’re communicated with respect.

Alpha takes place across ten sessions every Wednesday with one Alpha Saturday (mid-course) which is full of interesting talks, fun activities and good food.

There are three main parts to an Alpha evening:

(1) First we’ll share a meal and get to know other local people in small groups.

(2) Then we’ll watch a talk together

(3) Then we’ll gather in small groups to say what we think about what we’ve heard. All views are welcome. You can say whatever you want, or nothing at all.

There is no one kind of person who takes part in Alpha - it’s for anyone who’s curious about exploring questions of life, faith and purpose. It’s estimated that across the globe around 30 million people have attended an Alpha Course in more than 175 Countries and 100 languages!

Click the button below to hear eleven very different stories from eleven very different people who tried Alpha.

What kind of people try Alpha?