
We are committed to playing our part in the evangelisation of the nation, the revitalisation of the church and the transformation of society. We can each play our part in the vision by praying, serving and giving towards the work of the church.

Click the button above to support All Saints through the parish giving scheme.

Other Ways to Give

  • A one-off gift and regular monthly gifts can be made by BACS bank transfer. For a one-off gift, this is often called ‘pay someone’ on your personal banking website. For a regular monthly gift, you can set up a ‘standing order’.

    To arrange payments by online banking, our account details are:

    PCC of All Saints Ryde

    Account Number: 00158746

    Sort Code: 30-97-46

    Reference: your full name & All Saints Service

  • Some employers will match your giving to charities. Give as You Earn is often administered by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) or Charities Trust. The below information should be all the information your employer needs to get you set up.

    Name: All Saints Ryde

    Registered Charity No. 1164609