
Please find below information and links for:

  • If you are concerned for your safety due to psychological distress, call 999 or visit your local A&E.

    For all other mental health enquiries, you should make an appointment with your GP. Call 111 if you need immediate non-emergency advice.

    Whether you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, this list of helplines and support groups can offer expert advice.

    If you are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression, find your local psychological therapy service here. Many take self-referrals.

    To understand more about mental health and access evidence-based resources, visit Mind.

    Faith and Mental Health

    Mind and Soul is a valuable resource for Christians to explore their mental health in the context of their faith. It seeks to overcome misunderstanding and enable people to access healthcare with greater confidence.

    Suicide Prevention

    Please find help and support here: NHS website

    Survivors of bereavement by suicide: SOBS

    Sexual Abuse/Trauma

    Find support in your area: The Survivors Trust

    For parents of abused children (who weren’t perpetrators): We Stand

    For victims of male sexual abuse: Survivors UK

    Childhood abuse

    NAPAC (the National Association for People Abused in Childhood) offers support to adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect.

  • Press Red is a Christian organisation educating, equipping, and empowering on the issues of violence and abuse against women and girls.

    The National Domestic Violence Helpline is a collaboration between Refuge and Women’s Aid and offers free, confidential help and advice to those experiencing domestic violence and their friends and family. 0808 2000 247

    Restored is a Christian charity who provide advice to those within the church who are either experiencing domestic abuse or supporting someone who is

  • Find bereavement support services in your area: Bereavement Support Location Search

    AtaLoss is a signposting service for the bereaved, helping them find support and wellbeing.

  • The Modern Slavery Helpline and Resource Centre brings us closer to the eradication of modern slavery. It provides victims, the public, statutory agencies and businesses access to information and support on a 24/7 basis.

    Migrant Help is one of the leading providers of specialist support and accommodation services for adult victims (and their dependants) of human trafficking and modern slavery in the UK.

  • Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes


    Disability Rights UK is a charity run by and for people with lived experience of disability or health conditions.

    The Prince’s Trust offers advice, help and support for young people with disabilities.

    When you're caring, it can be easy to feel cut off. Support for Carers offers a local directory, helpline and online forum to help you connect with people who understand what you are going through and make sure no-one has to care alone.

    Livability is the disability charity that connects people with their communities, tackling social isolation and the barriers that can cause this in the lives of disabled and vulnerable people.

    Through the Roof seeks to make a positive difference to the lives of disabled people and their families by providing life-changing opportunities for disabled people and equipping the Christian community to fully involve disabled people.