Our Family.

At All Saints we are proud to play our part within the Ryde plurality and the Church of England deanery on the Isle of Wight. As a resource church, we have been commissioned to serve the wider Diocese of Portsmouth and beyond.

We’re proud to partner with several friends, networks, and organisations that share our vision of bringing hope.

Ryde Plurality

At All Saints, we are part of the Ryde plurality, joining with St John’s Ryde, St Michael’s Ryde, Holy Cross Binstead and St Peter’s Havenstreet to share the love of Jesus with the people of Ryde and beyond.

HTB Network

We are proud to be part of the HTB church planting network, working with the Revitalisation Trust to serve the wider church and connect in at Focus each July.

Portsmouth Diocese

All Saints Ryde is a part of the Isle of Wight deanery in the Portsmouth Diocese of the Church of England.