
What is baptism?

By getting baptised, we make a public commitment to follow God throughout our lives.

You can be baptised at any age! Baptism services happen across our sites throughout the year and at Focus.

If you would like your child to be baptised we would love to chat you through baptism and prepare you and your child for being welcomed into the church family.

You are also able to choose a minimum of three godparents for your child. Because of the very special role godparents have in supporting your child’s faith journey the Church of England require godparents to be baptised themselves. If the people who you'd like to be godparents aren't baptised, they may still be able to be involved in the baptism service and of course in your child's life as they grow up. Do chat to your service pastor about this who'll be pleased to advise. Further information about child baptisms can also be found here.

If you are interested in being baptised as an adult, we would encourage you first to complete the Alpha Course as a way of learning and exploring more about the Christian Faith before booking a date for baptism.

If you have been baptised as a baby and would like to make a fresh public commitment to follow God as an adult, we would recommend you explore confirmation. This is because we believe that our baptism as a baby is once and for all. Confirmation provides us with an opportunity to make afresh for ourselves as adults the vows our parents and godparents made for us as babies. In some circumstances, however, we can explore with you the option of a reaffirmation of Baptismal vows – if you would like to explore this please do chat to your service pastor or email

Once you have checked out the above information and are ready to take the next step, please register your interest in baptism via the forms below and a member of the team will be back in touch to discuss your options with you!